March 2002  


Residents & Ratepayers Association


Our first Ratepayer committee for 2002 was very encouraged by the good attendance of residents, and further boosted by the appearance of some younger members showing enthusiasm! TDC councillors Tim King and Michael Higgins were present, along with Andrew Fenemor (TDC) who gave an update of progress with the Chemical site clean up. At present the trials are still continuing; with a slight delay due to remedial work required on the plant itself. Hopefully the Resource Consent will be submitted soon. Sally Marx, Senior Resource Consultant (Wellington) can be reached at any time on her 0800 number - 0800 322748. The Ratepayers Committee is also available if special meetings with residents are felt necessary.

The long awaited reduction in traffic speed past the Mapua School and Coastal Highway area, after many months of negotiation, looks likely to happen in 2-3 months!

The Mapua Boat Club lease was discussed, and it was generally thought that this should be extended. John Ward (President) suggested a Trust should be formed, and a Public meeting will be called later.

It is strongly felt that a Management Plan for the Waimea Estuary is necessary for the protection of the bird life and fauna, and to monitor the 5 knot speed restriction for boat owners. Also prominent display boards at launching points would make the public aware of the need for caution when using this lovely waterway. The "Friends of the Walkways" project, started some years ago, may be resurrected! It would be great to have these walkways made available to everyone, and we hope that some keen people are out there, and willing to put some time into this. If anyone is interested please ring any of our Committee.

We are looking forward to another year of working with the community, and the progress of constructive development in the Village. Please contact us if you have ideas, or concerns. That's why we are here, and we welcome your input! Don't forget your subs - $5 per family p.a. they can be dropped in at the Mapua Store. These phone numbers may be useful - Wilma Tansley (chair.) # 540 2380. Rita McDougall (sec.) # 540 3355

Next meeting - 11th March 7.30pm sharp at the Mapua Hall. We have Guest Speakers - Dennis Bush-King (TDC), & Graham Caradus, Harbourmaster.


Nelson Marlborough District Health Board



It is the Government's aim to improve the health of all New Zealanders, and to increase the independence of those with a disability. The aim is also to reduce the differences in health that exist for Maori and for people from low socio-economic groups.

The Nelson Marlborough DHB has prepared, for community consultation, a draft Strategic Plan outlining how we could meet the Government aims in Nelson Marlborough over the next 10 years.

Our draft plan is based on the information that we have about our population and what we know of the current state of our health. It also looks at the major challenges that we are facing in the delivery of health services.

We are firm believers in promoting good health and preventing illness and injury. In our plan we give emphasis to this as a good investment for the future health of our community. We are proposing seven major focus areas to improve health and wellbeing in the region:

1. Increase physical activity.
2. Reduce smoking.
3. Reduce the incidence and impact of diabetes.
4. Improve oral health.
5. Improve mental health.
6. Reduce the inequalities in health.
7. Increase independence for people with disability.

In addition we propose to:

· work with Maori to encourage participation in decisions.
· achieve fair access to a range and level of services appropriate for the size, location and composition of the community.
· enhance the effectiveness of services across the sector through a strong quality improvement culture.
· Effectively perform all our functions through having good staff, appropriate facilities, good risk management processes and developing our information management and technology.

We ask members of the community to give us ideas and comments on the plan and tell us what they think should be the direction and priorities for health and disability services in the future. We welcome your input and we expect that this plan will change and improve as a result of this consultation process. Submissions close on 3 April 2002.
The plan is available on our website or by contacting Claire McKenzie in Nelson 03-546 1664. There will also be opportunities to discuss the plan at public meetings and ideas raised at these meetings will also be considered in the redevelopment of the plan.

Mon 11th March, 4-6pm,
Stoke School,
Main Rd, Stoke

Mon 25th March, 3:30-5pm,
Municipal Band Rooms,
by the Recreation Centre,
Old Wharf Rd, Motueka

Glenys Baldick,
NMDHB Chief Executive Officer

Mapua Police Round Up



Hello to everyone. Great to see that the Summer weather is continuing even though the first signs of cooler days are appearing. The last few weeks have been pretty hectic at times, but all in all considering how many people we have had in our district over the last 2 months, there haven't been any disproportionate number of problems.

Heavy traffic over the peak holiday period and the wet weather we were having at the time made the roads very congested at times. The new influx of seasonal workers is upon us again and most orchards have started apple picking - there are the usual numbers of new faces around the district.

As the following list shows we are not totally free from crime and the influences of others, so always be wary. "Give an opportunist an inch and they'll take a mile" - as well as some of your possessions.

Local Occurrences:

· Thefts from cars at Mapua Leisure Park - several thefts just after Xmas. Similar thefts in Marahau a few days later. Then on 11-12 Jan. more thefts from cars at Mapua. (No offender caught)
· Burglary at 22 Tahi Street between 24/12-11/1/02 . A frozen suckling pig and a 40oz bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey stolen. The offenders have probably walked around the estuary. Where did the pig go to?? Has anybody heard anything about this?
· Vehicle accident on Stafford Drive, just on Mapua side of Ruby Bay. Vehicle overtakes and causes accident.
· Burglary, Pinehill Road Ruby Bay. 6-7 Feb. Panasonic Video camera, water pump stolen from rural address.
· Theft, 14 Feb, from Roadside stall on Dominion Road (offenders car reg noted and inquiries being made)

Take care out there and don't hesitate to give me a call or leave a message at the four square on Aranui Road.

Thanks - Grant Heney,
Rural Community Constable,
Ph: 03-5288800;
Fax: 03-5286005;

Letter to the Editor



Dear Editor; The statement in the February 2002 issue from the Residents & Ratepayers Association (Chair) Wilma Tansley that "The TDC have made a good job of the traffic problems at the wharf" deserves comment.

The Council have painted a few lines and put up a couple of signs in an attempt to stop parking around the Wharf with the exception of Disabled Parking and temporary boat trailer parking.

At the same time the TDC have allowed increased commercial activity around the Wharf area including a Sunday Market, making the congestion problem and access to the boat ramp by boat users worse.

As long as the Commercial operators park in Boat Trailer parks and Disabled Parks showing scant regard for the pathetic TDC signs, the public at large is not going to take notice either, particularly as the area is not and will never be policed.

As a boat ramp user it is annoying to be denied access to the boat ramp by ignorant Café patrons who park across the entrance to the boat ramp. I had the pleasure of getting into and leaning on the horn for several minutes, of some yuppies 4 wheel drive recently. He duly arrived moved his vehicle from across the boat ramp and forward to a park with a sign on it saying for boat ramp users only. Of course I was abused for pointing out his inability to read or show any modicum of common sense because this is the first time he'd been here. Does this not prove the TDC signs are ineffectual and that they have not made a good job of it!

Until Mr Frater from the TDC works on the premise that the Wharf and boat ramp area is for Wharf and Boat Ramp users, and prevents the commercial operators and their patrons from denying access to the facilities, there will be ongoing problems.

I suggest Mr Frater approves the appropriate alterations to ensure the access rights to the Wharf and Boat Ramp of the public and Mapua Boat Club Members is protected.

Martyn Barlow,

Coastal News

Published monthly, to come out by the first of each month. Clubs and organisations are encouraged to submit copy to be published whenever they have something to say. Hard copy needs to be at Mapua Store by the 20th of the month, copy filed electronically via e-mail needs to be in by the 24th, to . Next deadline is 20 March 2002. If you want to advertise please also e-mail or phone Andrew Earlam, 5402845.


FCC Site Clean-Up


What's happening

Progress continues to be made in planning for the clean-up of the FCC site on Aranui Rd. The testing of the treatment plant before Christmas identified areas where further fine-tuning was required; additional parts were brought out from Europe and have now been put in place. Work has focused on minimising noise levels, putting in place means to reduce the chance of dust escaping during material processing, and identifying and reducing causes of vibration.

Inevitably the fine-tuning has taken a bit longer than originally hoped, but the team hopes to have completed the assessment of environmental effects and lodged resource consent applications by mid April. We hope to be in a position to give feedback to neighbours and the community on the issues that have been raised during the consultation in early to mid March.

Once again we will be at the next Ratepayers Association meeting to report on progress and get further feedback: - 7.30pm Monday 11th March at the Mapua Hall.

In the meantime if anyone has any queries or concerns, feel free to call Sally Marx on the freephone 0800 FCCSITE (0800 322 748). We look forward to seeing you on the 11th and telling you more.

Sally Marx
Consultation Coordinator
Tonkin and Taylor Ltd

Andrew Fenemor
Tasman District Council

Mapua Health Centre Report


We are looking forward to being joined by Judy Toms who will be taking over Linden Visser's job as receptionist on Wednesdays to Fridays. Judy is an energetic and friendly person who is very well experienced for the job. Over the next few weeks we will also be helped in the reception area by Alicia Ridgen who will be doing some temporary office work during this transition period.

Richard Thomas will be taking a well earned break later in March in order to visit the UK for a few weeks, returning in April. We have been fortunate to have 2 part-time locum doctors to fill in some of the gaps - Jenny Sudder who is working on Tuesdays and, later in March, Kristin Johnston will be covering some of Richard's absence. In addition, Pip Reeve continues to provide a clinic session on Wednesday mornings.

The new influenza vaccine will soon be available and can be ordered by phoning the health centre on 540 2211. They are free for those over 65 years and for those patients with certain chronic conditions such as asthma. Otherwise the cost is $20. The practice nurses will be having vaccination sessions on Wednesday afternoons, although bookings will be essential. The new recommendations for Tetanus vaccination are that once an initial course has been completed there should be booster injections at 45 and 65 years of age (the latter one could be included at the time of the flu vaccination).

We are continuing to work in with the Richmond and Wakefield on-call doctors for some of the weekends in order to give the centre's doctors a break from being continuously on call for emergencies. Please let us know if you have any difficulties with these arrangements. The out-of-hours phone number remains the same, 540 2211.

Mapua - Mahana C.W.I


Our Business and Annual General Meeting for this year was held at Tasman Beach Reserve on February 14th 2002.

It was a lovely sunny day and twelve members enjoyed a picnic lunch at 12 noon before the meeting began at 1pm. The business meeting came first; unfortunately there were a few members who couldn't attend for various reasons. Some past members had moved to different parts of the country and had sent letters. Subscriptions of $11 were received from members. Used cards, coupons and stamps (1125) were handed in. Many thanks to all the people who left stamps at 24 Higgs Rd. This is an on-going collection, and any further contributions will be gratefully received.

The Craft Circle enjoyed a good year with many articles made. The Garden Circle also had an interesting year with some outings, and plenty of shared information on plants.

The Annual General Meeting followed the business meeting, with the Secretary, J.Higgs, reading the Annual Report. There are no new members as yet, but we would like to see some new people join the Group.

The election of Officers for the coming year resulted as follows:- President, J Satherley; Secretary, J Higgs; and Treasurer: P Wishart. Committee Members: E Theobald, E Tucker, N Crawley, D Furlong, F Salmond. Public Relations Officer: B Halse.

Presentation of Cups:
Moutere Store Cup (most points): J.Higgs
Perry Rosebowl (flowers): J.Higgs
Newman Trophy (baking): J.Higgs
Avalon Cup (handwork): N.Perry

The President gave her report for the year, was thanked and she and the Secretary were presented with gifts.

The February meeting of the Garden Circle was at Upper Moutere Store café, and the Craft Circle was at Nan Crawley's on the 28th Feb The March meeting of the CWI will be held at Nan Crawley's, Jessie Street, 14th, 1:30pm. The guest speaker, Linda Evans invites you to come along for "Satin Hand" treatment! The hostesses will be B.Halse and N.Crawley.

Reported by J.Higgs

Mapua Leisure Park


Maureen and Peter at the Boatshed


Over the years Mapua Leisure Park has offered local people access to use the facilities provided for our guests.

Unfortunately, this summer we feel some locals have abused this privilege while not holidaying here.

Many have used the Café as a way of gaining access to the Park, then proceeded to use all the facilities with no intention of dining at the Café.

As well, there are a lot of children coming into the park after school and at weekends without paying and with NO PARENTAL SUPERVISION. We are governed by OSH rules regarding the pool, beach and playground and we are not prepared to allow unaccompanied children into the Leisure Park.

All visitors to the park should check in at the office on arrival and advise whether you are a Café patron, Day Visitor or visiting one of our guests. We would appreciate your courtesy.

We do not want to ban anyone from coming into the Leisure Park but we are seriously considering not allowing Day Visiting in the future.

Probus Report


The combined Probus Club of Mapua and District has now completed its first full year with a membership in excess of fifty. Each month, apart from January, the club has arranged speakers of subjects including Hemp Growing, experiences in Antarctica, and the services of a funeral director.

The Club members have also had monthly day trips out to places of interest around the Nelson District including a 3 day trip to the Heron colony down the West Coast.

Our latest coming event is the AGM at the Mapua Hall on Friday 1st March at 1:30 p.m.

David Higgs, Secretary.

Mapua Boat Club

Life-size Table Soccer

Ahoy! The Biggest Games Day!
The Biggest Games Day


Sir Greg fires the starting cannon
check out the pictures of the first ever..Mapua Boat Club's Biggest Games Days


If you would like to be involved this year then email for information.

Community Library


On Monday Feb 11, The RSA held an event to farewell their historic building in Mapua, which they had generously ceded to the TDC for use as a Community Library. A Tender has been accepted for the removal of the old hall, and construction on the new Library should begin early in March. In preparation for this, many of the perennials and other plants have been temporarily removed for safekeeping.

Interim issue and return of books is steady at the space lent to us by the Mall Proprietors. Thanks to the seemingly unlimited generosity of Marilyn and Stuart, books outstanding may, in an emergency, be left at the Store.

The Easter Fair is coming up; remember the Library table of books and magazines for sale. Building the new premises is one thing, furnishing and outfitting quite another, so we still need to raise funds. Ring Susanne (540-2508), if you have books to donate. They will be appreciated.



Mapua Friendship Club
meets third Thursday of the month, Mapua Hall 2-4pm. Indoor bowls, cards etc, sales table, mystery parcel, raffle & lovely afternoon tea. Come & enjoy a good afternoon.

Moutere Hills Rose Society.
Are you interested in roses? Enjoying and growing, pruning, planting and perfume, showing and sharing these beautiful and addictive blooms? We are a group who meet - usually the 1st Monday in the month, to improve our knowledge, visit gardens and listen to interesting speakers. If you admire a wild rose on the roadside or an exquisite bush covered in blooms - join us. We would love to welcome new members. Contacts: Robyn Williams 540 2925 (Pres); or Jo Drummond 03 528 7596 (Sec).

The Mapua Woolgatherers
meet 2nd Tuesday of each month in the supper room, Mapua Hall, from 10am-2pm and would welcome all those interested in spinning, weaving or indeed any handicraft to join them. Contacts: Pat Holland 5266 814, Mary Russ 5402 021

Kidz n' Koffee Playgroup
is held every Wednesday (in school term) from 10am to 12noon. The age group is newborn babies through to five years. All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend, there is no cost. Morning tea is provided for you and your children, a donation is appreciated. The playgroup meets at Hills Community Church, Mapua. We have a huge range of outdoor activities and ride-ons, as well as an extensive selection of indoor games, toys, blocks, etc. Other activities include a craft activity and a music and movement session. Come and relax and meet some new neighbours. Enquiries to Elizabeth Gibson 543-2005, Jo Chapple 543-2188, Diane Maisey 540-2909.

Mapua Play Centre
84 Aranui Road,
ph: 5402 386

Play Centre offers:
- A safe, fun and stimulating environment.
- Trained qualified staff meeting early childhood education requirements.
- Mixed sessions with children ranging from 0 - 6 years.
- 2˝ hr sessions - Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri, 9:15-11:45am

We warmly invite you to 3 free visits.

Play Centre parents, Whanau and caregivers can:
- Be involved with their child's learning.
- Make new friends.
- Have time for themselves.
- Have opportunities for adult education.
Training can lead to N.Z.Q.A Certification.

TOYS: Mapua Community Toy Library.
We welcome new families and care givers to come and check out our fantastic selection of toys and videos ideal for ages 0-5+. Find us at the back of the Mapua Hall on Aranui Rd - entrance beside the playground. Open every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, so pop in or contact us for details ph Fiona 5403 553 or Karen 5402 483

Parent / Child Workshop
with our inspiring international KIDPOWER Leader in MAPUA! A great opportunity to have fun with your child(ren) while they learn effective safety and confidence skills through hands-on practice. 21 April 10am-2pm - for more information call Cornelia (03) 543 2669.

Instructor Training Opportunity in April.
International leader Irene van der Zande will visit to train KIDPOWER instructors in response to the growing demand. Call us to find out how you can make a real difference and build part time income. Be quick - applications close 17 March (men) / 31 March (women). Call us at 543 2669.

Work Available:
Casual work for energetic, non-squeamish student interested in organic gardening, to assist with small property in Mapua. Times flexible. Ph 540-2995

Cleaning Fairy wanted.
3 hours per week. Flexible. Good pay. Call Cornelia 543 2669.

Do you know "June",
a keen tramper of Mapua? I met her on New Year's Eve on the Leslie Karma track near Splugeon Rock Shelter. I don't have her contact details (like last name!) I was hoping to get in touch. John 546-7889




Mapua Fire Service

January call outs
12/1/02 House fire Greenacres Rd Redwood Valley
14/1/02 MVA two cars Stafford Dr
20/1/02 MVA Nile Rd & SH60

Safety Tip - Do you have good clear driveway to get fire trucks to your house & sheds?

If you can hear the Mapua fire siren day & night & have spare time & would like to be a fire fighter, we would like to hear from you. Contact the Chief, Ted Perry at home on 5402 674, or call in at the fire station Thursday nights at around 7:30 PM

Walkways Development


Walkways Development Meeting Details - Mapua and Ruby Bay Residents

Anyone interested in helping design possible walkways to be developed linking the Estuary Walkway, Mapua Estates, Seaton Valley, Pomona and Marriages Road areas should come to this meeting.

Walkers, bikers, and horse riders all welcome.
Meeting will be 25 March 8 pm at the Mapua Hall.

Mapua Hall


The Mapua Hall AGM is coming up, May 20th 7-30pm. The committee requires the services of some new committee members to inject their enthusiasm into the running of the Hall. We meet once a month for about 45 minutes, 9 months of the year. Meetings are kept to the point, and we try not to take ourselves too seriously. If you are new to the community, here is a great chance to assist with one of the community's largest assets. Unlike most Halls in the district, our Hall is owned by the community, and run through an incorporated society, but it needs your continued support to function. Inquiries to Mike Shirer ph 540 2698. Presently the committee is preparing to get quotes done for painting the Hall inside and out.

We are also in need of the services of a volunteer (with lawnmower) to tackle the lawn at the back of the Hall every 3 weeks or so.

Lastly the committee would like to acknowledge the efforts of Helen Wells, our treasurer who has now departed to Canterbury. Helen was Treasurer for many years, and her role has been taken over by Pauline Wishart (ph 540 2153). Don't forget if you wish to book the Hall, there is a Hall Booking Book at the Mapua Store, where the keys can also be picked up.

Tamaha Seascouts


Scouts are on their way again, thanks to some parents who stepped forward to help out and make the program run again. A meeting was held 12th Feb about the future of Tamaha Sea Scout Group.

Coralie Nankivell, Jill Loveridge, Gavin Barlow and Clair Moody stepped forward and were prepared to become involved in leading the scouts. Jerry Preston and Karen Fern will assist them this term to get the ball rolling.

It's good to see some new blood in the leadership, the first night went well. The scouts were asked to write some activities down which they would like included in the program and very exciting things came forward: cooking on the beach, boating to Rabbit Island and do some games there, weekend camp, hydro sliding etc.

It's a shame to see John Leydon step down as group leader, he has done a great job over the last I don't know how many years. We are very thankful for his great knowledge in the boating field and we are lucky that we can still tap into that every now and then.

John de Jong

Mapua School News

Click here to go to the Mapua School website


We are excited to be moving in to the relocated classroom this week. The room has been fully refurbished with new paint, new windows, lino, and pin boards. Room 1 students will be pleased to move out of the library and back to their new room.

Last week saw the first ever Mapua Kiwi Cricket teams playing in the Saturday competition at Saxtons field. We have a team in Incrediball and one team in Senior Kiwi Cricket. Our long term aim will be to have a hard ball team playing in 2003.

Our 2002 Prospectus has been completed and is available for prospective families. If you need a copy or know someone moving to the area, please contact us.

For further information please contact: Hugh Gully, Principal, Mapua School, Ph/Fax: 03 540 2806

For more information check out our website that is updated weekly:

Hugh Gully, Principal

Mahana School News


Mahana School welcomes Nyhra McKinley as the new Principal Release teacher. Nyhra has been an invaluable support to the school for a number of years. Nyhra will be working in the Senior Room on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Our school year begins with a number of special projects. There is a whole school focus on Social and Cooperative Skills and the senior class will be trained in Peer Mediation. Students will be building on their existing strengths and we expect the programme will have a long lasting impact. A Peer Reading Programme is also starting. Students from the senior and middle rooms will be trained as reading tutors with the help of the Resource Teacher of Literacy. They will support younger readers on a daily basis which will be hugely beneficial for both tutor and tutee. Also Junior Sport Development Officers from a variety of sports will be brought in to introduce and extend the students' skills.

Each class has been holding well supported parent meetings to discuss the class programmes, and a committee has been set up to work on the senior room camp later in the year.

Mahana School has recently installed new shade sails in front of the school allowing students to work outside in the shade, and it is a great place for eating lunch.

At the beginning of each school year there is a school picnic and fun day where new students and their families get to know others in the school. This year the venue was at Nayland Pool for a Water Safety Pool Day followed by a picnic at Broadgreen.

Parents, children and teachers had a wonderful time participating in such activities as building and floating rafts, use of kayaks and a dinghy, swimming in clothes, life jacket use, and rope throws and rescues.

The Junior Moutere Hills Aquatics Day is shortly to be held at the Mahana School Pool, and our more senior swimmers are preparing for the Senior InterSchool Swimming Sports. Also two evenings a week students are meeting at the school for parent-led training sessions to prepare for the Weetbix Triathlon. Children and parents can be seen cycling and running on local roads, ending with an energetic swim.

Hills Community Church Report


It seems that Christmas has hardly passed when we are preparing for Easter, as it is early this year. March 27 is Good Friday. However, preparing for Easter doesn't seem to be such a frenzy as Christmas. Why is it that everything has to be done by Christmas? And, the shops are starting earlier each year in displaying the goods for sale and by putting up the Christmas decorations. Commercialism seems to have taken over Christmas - the exchange of gifts looks to be getting bigger. Whereas Easter brings hot cross buns and Easter eggs, which have been in the shops for some time. The hot cross buns will be pretty cold and stale by Easter - but the ideas is to buy more.

In the Church we have Ash Wednesday, which starts the Lenten 40 days before Easter when we prepare our minds to take in the awesome wonder of Jesus giving himself voluntarily to die on the cross and take upon himself the sins of the world, so that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. The gift - that wonderful gift of choice. We have to choose for ourselves (no one else can do it) whether we believe and accept Jesus into our lives or take the road of materialism and the hopelessness of modern civilisation.

The good news is that Jesus loves us; and so when we come to Easter day, we rejoice that He lives and is with us evermore. The joy that Mary felt when she found the tomb empty and then found him in the garden! She ran to tell the disciples and they, unbelieving at the time, felt the same joy when they found the living Christ. It would be easy for us to believe if we could see Him too. But, as it says in the Bible, blessed are they who haven't seen but still believe.

God, who is far greater and more complex in His wisdom than our grandfathers ever imagined, became focused for our understanding as well as for our salvation, in the man Jesus. When we accept Jesus as the Son of God, who died for us, we find a new quality of living available through the living spirit of Christ. This little life of ours is only a part of a vast scheme which God himself is working out. God loves us all, as shown through Easter. That is the big message and good news.

Hills Community Church welcomes anyone who would like to talk about this further. We have many house groups and are also soon running an Alpha course of 10 weeks, which is a Video presentation of half an hour with time afterwards to discuss and ask questions about the contents. The times of the Alpha course will be announced soon. Watch this space!! Kids n' Coffee has commenced each Wednesday at 10am, where Mothers enjoy a free morning tea and chat while their toddlers are being looked after. "Mothers in Touch" is a Christian outreach where Mothers can discuss problems and receive prayer on request.

Service Information - March 2002

March 03 10:45 a.m. Combined Service (Uniting)
March 10 9:15 a.m. N.Z.P.B. Communion Service (St James)
10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service (Uniting)
March 17 9:15 a.m. Morning Worship (St James)
Special Service 9:45am at HCC Family Camp at Tea Pot Valley Christian Camp
March 24 9:15 a.m. Presbyterian Communion Service (St James)
10:45 a.m. Contemporary Communion Service (Uniting)
March 29 9:15 a.m. Good Friday Service at St James
March 31 9:15 a.m. Combined Easter Sunday Communion Service at St James

Mapua Bowling Club


February has been an active month for the club. On 3rd Feb the Wilma Van Beek Brabant Mixed Triples was played and we thank Wilma for her sponsorship of this very popular tournament. The winning team was skipped by Ian Hunt from Riwaka, the runners-up being skipped by the Jan Hands team from Motueka.

On 10th Feb the Pat Day Memorial Tournament was held, with local and invited teams from most clubs in the Nelson district taking part. The winners this year were Nelson RSA skipped by Allan Griffiths Snr. This team has played in every Pat Day tournament. Runners-up were the Stoke team skipped by Norvin Harvey. The Club is grateful to the Day family for continuing this sponsorship.

On 24th Feb the Richard Johns open mixed pairs was held, with the winning pair being Michael & Isobel Kane, and the runners-up Tony McQuade & Don Sixtus. Thank you Richard Johns for your sponsorship.

The Club Championships have nearly finished. Here are the results to date:-

Ladies: Jnr Singles: Cyd Daughtry
Jnr Pairs: Cyd Daughtry & Rita McDougall
Snr Singles: Nancy McAlwee
Snr Pairs: Nancy McAlwee & Sylvia Peter
Fours: Nancy Coeland, Nancy Thomas, Hazel Hanford, Cyd Daughtry
Mens: Jnr Singles: Brian Say
Jnr Pairs: Kees Van Egmond & Graham Young
Snr Singles: Marty Verdonk
Snr Pairs: Paddy Hood & Les McAlwee
Snr Fours: Marty Verdonk, Peter Latter, Les McAlwee, Brian Say



Edited by Bill Williams & Andrew Earlam. Contact us at 5402528 or 5402845 or Copy to Mapua Store by 20th of the month. Non-commercial classified ads – $2 must be included with copy. Club notices etc free. Published on the world wide web thanks to Site Productions of Mapua and Tasman Solutions, Richmond.